Lunch, Buz and Ned's, Ribs
For the two weeks during Christmas and New Years, work tends to be quieter and you can manage a little bit more time for lunch. It's the way work should be all year round! C., J. and I were planning on a trip to Dot's (I was surprised at the suggestion, considering it was peak crowd time), then we saw the wall of people crammed in the front door like a college contest from the 50s. Quick thinkingly, we chose the Greek Grill, but damned if they weren't closed. The only real choice, heading back in the direction of work, was Buz & Ned's; home of some kick ass tasting but makes you feel bad for eating so much red meat all the time ribs. Naturally they were equally crowded with hordes of families that must think the tiny joint is a frickin Panera and they can camp out at tables after eating as long as they want. We were resigning ourselves to eat out on their tent-porch, when luckily, a booth popped up. Sweet!
This napkin is freaking filthy with sauce from fingers. Good ribs are brutal that way...
Sticky stache.