Friday, October 7, 2011

The Three Hundred and Thirty First...

Number Three Hundred and Thirty One:

Fountain Bookstore, Book signing

Great time in the Slip at a great bookstore! We had a number of people come in and purchase the book. Then Beth, Michael Baughan and myself signed copies and chatted with folks about it. Kelly, the owner, is absolutely awesome. She plugged the event, she hung up a banner out front, she showed people coming in the store the book while they browsed and totally sold some of them on it. So very full of greatness.

Window display @ Fountain.

Beth, Michael and I having some fun.

Later, I went to Carytown to pick up some cheese at River City Cellars for a party we are going to later. I pop into Chop Suey and our book is being proudly displayed. The guy behind the counter told me it was doing well too! Yay! Further evidence that local bookstores ROCK!

On the counter at Chop Suey.

Also awesome? Our Wedding Anniversary! Happy Anniversary Lisa!

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