Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Sixty-Third...

Number Sixty-Three:

Home, Dinner, Crab cake sandwich

After lunch on the Bookmobile at Panera Bread, G. and I walked around the Fresh Market, a fancy grocery store in the old Saxon Shoes place on Parham. I remember going into that shoe store when I was a kid because my mom had to get some fancy shoes, and how completely bored I was! My parents often took me to places I was utterly impatient with; see also Franco's and Jos. A. Banks. I am pretty sure I got into trouble once or twice when I was young at these establishments.

Anyway, the Fresh Market is like Trader Joe's, only more colorful and snobby. The first thing I noticed when we walked in were a bunch of employees huddled around complaining about working. Ahh, so this is more like a Food Lion. Okay...
I have to remember to go there to get some fancy groceries sometime, because it does look like some nice comestibles. I bought a crabcake to go (meh) and some cookies for band practice tonight!

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